The Villa Heights Community Organization has completed several successful Neighborhood Matching Grants through the City of Charlotte.

The Neighborhood Matching Grants Program has helped Charlotte citizens improve their neighborhoods since 1992.  The program awards funds to eligible neighborhood-based organizations for projects that make neighborhoods better places to live, work, play and shop.

You can find more information about the grant program here.

Tree Banding (every fall)

Neighborhood organizations can apply for up to $3,000 to assist with tree banding in their community, including trees located on private properties, to help control the canker-worm population and protect Charlotte’s tree canopy.

The VHCO has successfully completed several tree banding grants.


Residents who contribute to keeping our neighborhood clean and beautiful by participating in our Community Clean Ups will earn a special Villa Heights Trash Cleanup t-shirts thanks to a Neighborhood Improvement grant awarded in 2022.

Branding Initiative (2015–2016)

In 2015, the VHCO was approved for a Neighborhood Improvement grant with the purpose of developing a community brand and increasing awareness of the community. The concrete objectives were to develop a visual brand identity for the Villa Heights neighborhood in the form of a website (this website!), logo, and designs for street sign toppers, free standing signs, and promotional items.

Community Garden (2013–2014)

The VHCO Community Garden that is located in Cordelia Park was created through a Neighborhood Improvement Grant.